S.H.I.E.L.D. (Sexual Health Information Exchange Labrador District)
SHIELD (Sexual Health Information Exchange Labrador District) Project is a youth led and adult supported initiative encouraging positive sexual health, personal wellness and healthy relationships through Art, Culture, and Technology (ACT) empowerment opportunities and life experiences.
SHIELD will provide skill sharing leadership opportunities to youth in a variety of ways including:
Peer Leadership Teams
Labrador Artist Role Model Sessions
Fall Leadership Retreat (2018)
Summer Leadership Summits (2019 & 2020)
Online Sharing Platforms (Website, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo)
Youth Led Events
Some SHIELD Highlights to consider!
Youth will strengthen their academic, artistic and life goals!
Youth can express their ideas, concerns and dreams in a safe and supportive environment!
Opportunities to learn from award winning Artists and Professionals!
Youth, artists and health care experts working together in fun and interactive ways!
SHIELD 3 Year Objectives (2018-2021)
1: Build the capacity of youth aged 14-18 from central/coastal Labrador communities by increasing their leadership skills, self-worth, holistic wellbeing, and knowledge of healthy relationships, sexual health, and effective STBBI (sexually transmitted/blood borne infections) interventions and prevention methods using Art, Culture, and Technology (ACT).
2: Work collaboratively with youth, artists, and service providers to implement youth led (adult supported) ACT Peer Leadership initiatives in Nunatsiavut and NunatuKavut coastal communities that will increase the uptake of personal behaviours that prevent the transmission of HIV, Hep C, and other STBBIs using an Indigenous healing-based lens that encourages positive self-worth and growth using ACT.
3: Develop an ACT Peer Leadership program model with project participants that can be shared with relevant stakeholders to increase health and wellbeing of youth in rural and remote northern communities especially in reference to sexual health, STBBIs, healthy relationships, positive self-growth, and Indigenous healing.
4: Increase access to holistic health and social services for Labradorians, especially youth, through an art-based and culturally relevant website that is youth driven and includes project creations, current resources and information regarding sexual health, STBBIs, healthy relationships, and positive self-growth.
SHIELD is a three-year project funded primarily by the Public Health Agency of Canada's HIV Hep C Community Action Fund, sponsored by the Labrador Friendship Centre.

For more information contact:
Jade Rachwal, S.H.I.E.L.D. Project Manager
Email: jrachwal@labradorfriendshipcentre.ca
(709) 896-8302 ext. 215
Fax- (709) 896-8731
49 Grenfell Street
P.O. Box 767
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
A0P 1E0