Labrador Friendship Centre
Enriching Aboriginal Life
in Labrador
Labrador Friendship Centre
Room Rentals
Located in the Labrador Friendship Centre Building at 49 Grenfell Street.
Please call the Cherie Auchinleck, between 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM daily for bookings.
Phone: (709) 896-8302 ext. 219
Fax: (709) 896-8731
Room Rentals
MultiPurpose Room and Boardroom offers:

  • Seating for 60, comfortably
  • Quiet location
  • Easy access to the Friendship Diner, which can provide catering
  • Smart Board, wireless internet, projector and screen, flip charts
  • Half day or full day rates
Contact Information
49 Grenfell Street
P.O. Box 767, Station B
Happy Valley-Goose Bay
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