Labrador Friendship Centre
Enriching Aboriginal Life
in Labrador
Labrador Friendship Centre
Assisted Living Program
Assisted Living Program
This program began in April 2014 and is funded by Labrador Grenfell Health. It provides assistance to individuals who require level one and level two care who wish to live in an independent supported environment. We have leased two buildings consisting of 7 two bedroom apartments. The apartments are staffed on a 24/7 basis to meet the individual needs of the residents. The housing units are located on 6 Lethbridge Street and 8 Lethbridge Street while the Manager's office is located at 6 Lethbridge.
Contact Information
Deanna Keefe
Assisted Living Manager

6 Lethbridge Street
P.O. Box 767
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
A0P 1E0
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