Labrador Friendship Centre
Enriching Aboriginal Life
in Labrador
Labrador Friendship Centre
Indigenous Justice Navigation Program
Indigenous Justice Navigator
We offer support / information for folks in Labrador accessing services within the justice system.

This could look like:

public outreach
one on one sessions
phone calls
connecting with community parnters

Our goal is to assist in the connection between service users and services provided.
Assist clients with understanding of prioritizing legal issues.

Provide general legal information and referrals to legal and non-legal resources / supports by phone, email or in-person.

Develop relationships and engage with legal professionals working with clients, to ensure adequate collaboration to address client justice needs.

Accompany clients to both court and legal appointments as requested.

assist clients with completing and filling legal documents.

Provide access to interpretation and elder services, as well as an initial consultation with a lawyer for uo to 1 hour, free of charge.
Jason Williams
Indigenous Justice Navigator

Labrador Friendship Centre
49 Grenfell Street
P.O. Box 767, Station B
Happy Valley-Goose Bay
NL A0P 1E0

Phone: 709-896-8302 ext. 218
Fax: 709-896-8731
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