Labrador Friendship Centre
Enriching Aboriginal Life
in Labrador
Labrador Friendship Centre
Community Food Bank
The purpose of the community food bank is to provide emergency food assistance to eligible recipients in a proper and dignified manner based on governing guidelines.
Rules Governing Food Assistance
  • Assistance provided once every thirty days (if extreme circumstances and absolute need is identified there may be some flexibility regarding this guideline especially when children are involved).
  • Able bodied single people will only receive assistance once every thirty days with no exception.
  • Referrals for food assistance may be taken from persons in authority e.g. Social Worker, Minister, Health Nurse, etc.
  • Referrals will not be taken from relatives.
  • Individuals must pick up their own food. In the event this is not possible, written authorization must be provided by the recipient to the food bank.
  • An MCP number must be provided for children under the age of 18 for verification and recording purposes.
Hours of Operation
  • From Monday to Friday
  • Clients will need to call in their request between 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
  • Pick up for food boxes/bags are from 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Notice to Clients
Food bank do not operate on weekends and holidays.
Community Food Bank Volunteers
Volunteers are so important!

Volunteers are responsible for...

  • Keeping the food bank clean and tidy.
  • Removing damaged/tainted or suspected bad products from shelves.
  • Advising the Labrador Friendship Centre of shortage in food items.
  • Preparing food boxes for distributions.
  • Keeping shelves fully stocked.
  • Ministerial Association
  • Human Resources & Employment
Sources of Food
The Food Bank is likely to receive food from:

  1. Food drives organized by community groups
  2. Donations collected by churches
  3. Food boxes placed around the community
  4. Community food sharing association (Provincial)
  5. Individuals dropping off donations
For further information on the Food Bank please contact:

Alicia Neville
Program Manager

Ph: (709) 896-8302 ext. 208
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