Labrador Friendship Centre
Enriching Aboriginal Life
in Labrador
Labrador Friendship Centre
The Corporation is established for the following purposes, and shall restrict itself to such activities as in its opinion directly or indirectly, furthers such purposes.

  • To provide assistance, through the provision and implementation of services and programs to both transient and resident Indigenous people of Labrador in a manner that may meet their requirements.
  • To assist Indigenous people of Labrador to find and maintain employment and to obtain housing.
  • To assist Indigenous people of Labrador in making personal, social, cultural and cross cultural contacts.
  • To assist Indigenous people of Labrador by providing interpretation services.
  • To promote communication and understanding between Indigenous people and community service agencies.
  • To encourage and promote Aboriginal cultures, customs, traditions and languages.
  • To establish, maintain and operate a Centre for cultural, traditional, social, educational and recreational activities and gatherings.
  • To promote and assist in developing Indigenous education.
  • To assist in the promotion, development, appreciation and preservation of Indigenous arts, crafts and artifacts.
  • To assist and promote through all communication media, including newspaper, film and broadcasts, in the cultural, economic, educational and social development of Aboriginal people.
  • To establish, maintain and operate a hostel to provide temporary accommodations for Indigenous people.
  • To serve as a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas.
  • To promote the development of Indigenous leadership.
  • To serve as a vehicle for the involvement of Indigenous people in the planning, implementation and management of social, cultural and economic programs.
  • To be a local agency to which Indigenous people, individuals and groups can bring their problems for discussion and possible resolution.
  • To assist Indigenous people of Labrador in resolving their own issues and concerns.
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