Labrador Friendship Centre
Enriching Aboriginal Life
in Labrador
Labrador Friendship Centre
Independant Living Program
Apartments (larger version)
Independent Living Program
The Labrador Friendship Centre will endeavor to provide the best possible services to enrich the lives of the Inuit, Innu and Metis of Labrador through provision and implementation of social, culture, health, educational, employment and development initiatives.

Housing Project Objective

• To provide low-income housing that is accessible and affordable.

Tenant Selection Process & Oversight

An established Tenant Selection Committee will determine the selection of tenants for residency of the housing units located on 21 Lethbridge Street and 23 Lethbridge Street. This Committee will ensure tenant selection is timely, equitable and the units are utilized to benefit those most at need. The Tenant Selection Committee's decisions will be final and there will be no appeal process. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed in writing of the Committee's decision.

The Operations Manager will be responsible for administration and monitoring the housing units, pre-occupancy inspections, lease arrangements, adherence to applicable policies and procedures. The Housing Manager will be located at 49 Grenfell Street.

In order to be accepted into the housing units, individuals must:

• Voluntarily apply to the program;
• Have the capacity to function in a setting where they will have complete freedom and responsibilities;
• Sign a rental agreement to adhere to the Residential Tenancies Act NL; and
• Have a net salary of $40,000 or less.

Admission Criteria

The following will be ineligible for admission to the Independent Living Program:

• Individuals who require supervisions due to significant behaviour, social and emotional challenges;
• Individuals who refuse to sign a rental agreement; or
• Individuals who already have adequate living conditions.

Contact Information:
Cherie Auchinleck
Operations Manager
(709)896-8302 ext. 219

49 Grenfell Street
P.O. Box 767
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
A0P 1E0
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